In this chilling psychological thriller, one woman's dark past becomes another's deadly future In 2003, sixteen-year-old Rebecca Winter disappeared. She'd been enjoying her summer break: wo
In this chilling psychological thriller, one woman's dark past becomes another's deadly future In 2003, sixteen-year-old Rebecca Winter disappeared. She'd been enjoying her teenage summer b
In this chilling psychological thriller, one woman's dark past becomes another's deadly future. In 2003, sixteen-year-old Rebecca Winter disappeared. She'd been enjoying her teenage summer break: work
What happens when ambition trumps the truth? A town reeling in the wake of tragedy An arsonist is on the loose in Colmstock, Australia, most recently burning down the town's courthouse and k
To keep little secrets, they tell big lies... `I am not sick. I just like the little dolls... I think I'll break one soon.' It's every parent's worst nightmare. A tiny porcelain doll appearing on your