自1972年尼克森劃時代的訪華以來,美中關係日益重要;隨著21世紀初中國崛起,更成為多數美國政策制定者心目中最優先的外交事項。然而,早在新冠病毒大流行前,美中雙邊關係便迅速惡化;疫情蔓延後,更面臨前所未有的重大轉折。 本書作者群囊括各界中國專家,包括克雷格‧艾倫(Craig Allen)、瑪麗‧布朗‧布洛克(Mary Brown Bullock)、戴博(Robert Daly)、馮稼時(Thomas Fingar)、傅瑞珍(Carla P. Freeman)、傅立民(Chas W. Freeman Jr.)、高龍江(John W. Garver)、黃嚴忠(Yanzhong Huang)、藍普頓(David M. Lampton)、李侃如(Kenneth Lieberthal)、趙文詞(Richard Madsen)、毛雪峰(Andrew Mertha)、巴里‧諾頓(Barry Naughton)、董雲裳(Susan A. Thornton)及石文安(Anne F. Thurston)等15位專家學者,從政治經濟、軍事外交、社會文化及教育醫療等多面向切入,回顧從毛澤東晚期迄今半世紀以來,歷經中國改革開放、美國聯中抗蘇、天安門事件、冷戰結束、中國河南血禍、美國轟炸中國駐南聯大使館事件、南海撞機事件、世界金融危機、中國加入WTO、中國《九號文件》頒布、菲律賓南海仲裁案、美中貿易戰與資訊戰、新疆再教育營、香港抗爭與臺海問題等重要事件後,美中關係的變化,及其如何牽動了全世界。 如今,當中國進入習近平第三任期,統治益發極權,美國「對中脫鉤」的嘗試是否可行?在這近半世紀的交流中,美國是否不知不覺培養出一位全方位的競爭對手?應該如何衡量美國政策長期以來的成本與效益?理想中的美中關係,除了穩定、安全、公平、互惠,還有什麼樣的圖景?重新回首美中關係五十年,審慎評估,或許可以提供我們更多洞見!
The importance of the relationship between the United States and the People's Republic of China has only grown since Richard Nixon's epochal visit in 1972. By the early twenty-first century, when the rise of China had become an inescapable fact, most American policy makers and experts saw bilateral ties with China as the most consequential foreign-relations priority for the United States. In recent years, even before the coronavirus pandemic, the U.S.-China relationship has rapidly deteriorated--and the whole world has felt the consequences. This book brings together leading China specialists to offer a retrospective on relations between the United States and China over the last half-century and consider what might be next. The contributors--including academics, leaders of China-related nongovernmental organizations, and former diplomats and government officials--analyze the relationship from a range of perspectives: political, diplomatic, economic, social, cultural, commercial, educat
For over half a century, noodlemaker Gyalo Thondup has been a familiar figure in the Himalayan hill town of Kalimpong. But it was not until 2010 that the townsfolk discovered his true identity: Gyalo
For over half a century, noodlemaker Gyalo Thondup has been a familiar figure in the Himalayan hill town of Kalimpong. But it was not until 2010 that the townsfolk discovered his true identity: Gyalo
In December 2010 residents of Kalimpong, a town on the Indian border with Tibet, turned out en masse to welcome the Dalai Lama. It was only then they realized for the first time that the neighbor they
From 1954 until Mao Zedong's death 22 years later. Dr. Li Zhisui was the Chinese ruler's personal physician. For most of these years, Mao was in excellent health; thus he and the doctor had time to di