"A lovely coming-of-age tale filled with humor and pathos and unexpected twists...The characters are quirky, eccentric, and lovable." — Kirkus ReviewsHarold "Little" Klein can’t seem to measure up. Su
Introduces the long, curving ocean that covers approximately one fifth of the earth's surface, and provides instructions for an activity to demonstrate evaporation of salt water.
"The letters are personal and immediate, and the story is full of details that evoke the historical period. . . . The simple words grab your heart."— BOOKLISTIt’s a good thing nine-year-old Isabelle i
"Provides an introduction to the stomach, including its makeup, function within the digestive system, stomach diseases, and how to keep your stomach healthy."
In Iowa circa 1929, spunky twelve-year-old Tugs vows to turn her family’s luck around, with the help of a Brownie camera and a small-town mystery.Tugs Esther Button was born to a luckless family. Butt
As football fever hits Goodhue, Iowa, Ned Button steps into the lineup in a funny new adventure about a small-town family living in 1929.Ever since local boy Lester Ward got drafted by the University