Vatican II’s famous declaration that "the church on earth is by its very nature missionary” has often been taken out of context and used to support all manner of church initiatives. But
Our globalized world increasingly brings together people of many different cultures, though not always harmoniously. In recent decades, multinational companies have sought more efficient strategies fo
Today, many Christians, concerned and challenged by contemporary trends in society and religion, are bewildered and perhaps tempted to leave the Church and manage on their own. Courage and Convi
This powerful, moving, and "disturbing" book looks at the contemporary issues that block the attainment of a revitalized church--a church united rather than fragmented, a church tuned to justice for a
The gospel tells us to look into other people's eyes as we search for an image of God to help us work for healing justice amid the rubble and the memories that litter our lives, to rebuild a human wor
In sixteen short but perceptive commentaries, Anthony J. Gittins recounts the experiences of various women and men from the New Testament--insiders and outsiders, people of substance and people regard