A comprehensive reference for financial economics, balancing theoretical explanations, empirical evidence, and the practical relevance of knowledge in the field. This volume offers a comprehensive, integrated treatment of financial economics, tracking the major milestones in the field and providing methodological tools. Doing so, it balances theoretical explanations, empirical evidence, and practical relevance. It illustrates nearly a century of theoretical advances with a vast array of models, showing how real phenomena (and, at times, market practice) have helped economists reformulate existing theories. Throughout, the book offers examples and solved problems that help readers understand the main lessons conveyed by the models analyzed. The book provides a unique and authoritative reference for the field of financial economics. Part I offers the foundations of the field, introducing asset evaluation, information problems in asset markets and corporate finance, and methods of stat
Fixed income volatility and equity volatility evolve heterogeneously over time, co-moving disproportionately during periods of global imbalances and each reacting to events of different nature. While