Andrew R. (Professor of Digital Arts Brown Professor of Digital Arts Queensland Conservatorium of Music),S. Alex (Associate Professor of Music Education and Music Technology Ruthmann Associate Profess
Bexell, Magdalena (Associate Professor in Political Science, Associate Professor in Political Science, Lund University),Joensson, Kristina (Associate Professor in Political Science, Associate Profess
Brenda (Emeritus Professor of Law Sufrin Emeritus Professor of Law University of Bristol),Niamh (Associate Professor of Law Dunne Associate Professor of Law London School of Economics),Alison (Profess
Glazebrook, Allison (Professor, Department of Classics, Professor, Department of Classics, Brock University),Vester, Christina (Associate Professor, Department of Classical Studies, Associate Profess
Newen, Albert (Full Professor, Philosophy of Mind, Full Professor, Philosophy of Mind, Ruhr-University Bochum),De Bruin, Leon (Associate Professor in Philsophy of Mind and Language, Associate Profess
Stall, Ron (Professor, Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh),Dodge, Brian (Associate Professor, Indiana University, Bloomington),Bauermeister, Jose A. (Penn Presidential Profess
van Craenenbroeck, Jeroen (Associate Professor of Dutch Linguistics, Associate Professor of Dutch Linguistics, KU Leuven),Temmerman, Tanja (Assistant Professor of Dutch Linguistics, Assistant Profess
;Fadel, Daddi, DOptom, FSLS, FBCLA, FAAO, FIACLE (Founder, European School of Scleral Lenses (EUROSCOLE); Clinical Scientist, Center for Ocular Research and Education (CORE); Adjunct Associate Profess