Andrew R. (Professor of Digital Arts Brown Professor of Digital Arts Queensland Conservatorium of Music),S. Alex (Associate Professor of Music Education and Music Technology Ruthmann Associate Profess
Kristin (Associate Professor of Music Education Harney Associate Professor of Music Education University of Montana)
Marc (Associate Professor of Music (Musicology), Gidal Associate Professor of Music (Musicology), Ramapo College of New Jersey)
Nora Anderson (Associate Professor of Music and Associate Dean of the Faculty Lewis Associate Professor of Music and Associate Dean of the Faculty Lawrence University)
Peter (Professor of Music Education Miksza Professor of Music Education Indiana University Jacobs School of Music),Julia T. (Associate Professor of Music Education Shaw Associate Professor of Music Ed
Victoria (Associate Professor of Music Malawey Associate Professor of Music Macalester College)
bell, adam patrick (Associate Professor of Music Education, Associate Professor of Music Education, University of Calgary)
;Loeffert, Kim (Assistant Professor of Music Theory, Assistant Professor of Music Theory, Virginia Technical University),Peterson, John (Associate Professor of Music Theory, Associate Professor of Mus
Aaron (Professor of Performance Science Williamon Professor of Performance Science Royal College of Music),Jane (Associate Director of Research Ginsborg Associate Director of Research Royal Northern C
Briain, Dr. Lonan O (Head of Department and Associate Professor of Music, University of Nottingham, UK),Ong, Dr. Min Yen (Teaching Fellow, University of Cambridge, UK)
Burford, Mark (Associate Professor of Music, Associate Professor of Music, Reed College)
Derek L. (Associate Professor of Music Stauff Associate Professor of Music Hillsdale College)
Emily I. (Associate Professor of Music Dolan Associate Professor of Music Brown University),Alexander (Fanny Peabody Professor of Music Rehding Fanny Peabody Professor of Music Harvard University)
Frank Felice Ph.D associate professor of composition and electronic music Butler Unive,James F. McGrath
Higgins, Lee (Senior Lecturer in Music, Senior Lecturer in Music, Griffith Conservatorium),Bartleet, Brydie-Leigh (Associate Professor of Music Education, Associate Professor of Music Education, Bost
Lewis, George E. (Edwin H. Case Profesor of American Music, Edwin H. Case Profesor of American Music, Columbia University),Piekut, Benjamin (Associate Professor of Music, Associate Professor of Music
Nicholas (Associate Professor of Music Baragwanath Associate Professor of Music University of Nottingham)
Steven G. (Associate Professor Laitz Associate Professor Eastman School of Music),Ian Sewell
Steven G. (Chair of the Music Theory and Analysis Laitz Chair of the Music Theory and Analysis The Julliard School),Michael R. (Associate Professor of Music Theory and Chair of the Music Theory Area C
Timmers, Renee (Professor of Psychology of Music, Department of Music, The University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK),Bailes, Freya (Associate Professor in Music Psychology, School of Music, University
A Blaze of Light in Every Word presents a new conceptual model for analyzing vocal delivery, bringing clarity to the relationship between the singing voice in pop music and its greater emotional signi