As Canadians, we take pride in our nation's officialcommitment to fostering diversity. A close look at our media, however,reveals that while they often pay lip service to diversity promotion,they actu
This analysis of the portrayal of diversity in Canadian mainstream media highlights the ways in which media molds cultural and political debates on difference, and how, contrary to popular perception,
Citizenship in a Transnational Canada offers a distinct look at the prospect of rethinking citizenship in a contested world of shifting narratives, evolving models, ongoing challenges, and future poss
Beyond the romanticized image of newcomers arriving as a "huddled mass" at Halifax's Pier 21, understanding the reality and complexity of immigration today requires an expert guide. In the hands of sc
Beyond the romanticized image of newcomers arriving as a "huddled mass" at Halifax's Pier 21, understanding the reality and complexity of immigration today requires an expert guide.
In acknowledging the possibility that as the world changes so too does racism, this book argues that racism is not disappearing, despite claims of living in a post-racial and multicultural world. To t