"Provides the story of Athena and her importance in Greek mythology, including her connection to such figures as Jason and Odysseus, and describes the role of myths in the modern world."
Describes typical things encountered at a fire station, including equipment, workers, and different trucks, and discusses various things firefighters do while at the station.
"Provides the story of Zeus and his importance in Greek mythology, including his connection to such figures as Pandora and Hercules, and describes the role of myths in the modern world."
An addition to an easy-to-read biography series offers an introduction to the life of the African-American writer Langston Hughes, who shared his feelings about racism through his work.
"In this edition of Tony Hawk: Live to Skate, Gavin Cole is the newest student at his glitzy suburban school. From the poorer north side, Gavin doesn't have much in common with his wealthier classmate