Of the more than $300 billion spent on plant maintenance and operations, U.S. industry spends as much as 80 percent of this amount to correct chronic failures of machines, systems, and people. With ma
Cradle-to-grave analyses are becoming the norm, as an increasing amount of corporations and government agencies are basing their procurement decisions not only on initial costs but also on life cycle
Dhillon (mechanical engineering, University of Ottawa, Canada) outlines basic concepts and methods in general human reliability, errors, and human factors, and explains the status of research on human
Accessible both to novices and expert technicians, this study considers the role of, and the potential issues arising from, human factors in power plant design, construction, and maintenance. It will
Human errors contribute significantly to most transportation crashes: approximately 70 to 90 percent of crashes are the result of human error. This book examines human reliability across all types of
Product acquisition involves an examination of the support cost of major equipment over its total life years. Depending on the type of equipment, support costs may range from 10 to 100 times the cost
The high number of fatal accidents in the mining industry makes mine safety an important issue throughout the world. The risks to life are widespread, ranging from dust explosions and the collapse of
During day-to-day use, thousands of lives are lost each year due to accidents, directly or indirectly, resulting from poor transportation system reliability and safety. In the United States, automobil
Jumbo jets contain about 4.5 million parts. That fact alone should scare more people into close attention to reliability, quality and safety. Dhillon (mechanical engineering, U. of Ottowa) takes an in
The widespread use of robots throughout the world to perform numerous tasks of varying complexity has put safety and reliability issues of the systems that use them in the spotlight. There are separat
It is increasingly clear that maintainability, maintenance, reliability professionals must work with other personnel during the design and other early phases of product and system design, says Dhillon
In the present day, engineering systems are an important element of world economy. Billions of dollars are spent each year to develop, manufacture, operate, and maintain various types of engineering s
Of the billions of dollars spent on plant management and operation annually, an estimated 80% of the total amount is spent to rectify the chronic failure of systems, machines, and humans. Although inf