在大洋洲,三歲左右的兒童會照顧比自己幼小的孩子,但是在美國,想擔任保姆的角色,則被期望至少要在十歲以上的兒童才有可能。非洲Efe族的嬰兒能安全地使用刀具,但是美國中產階級的成人通常不相信幼兒能使用刀子。如何解釋這樣明顯的不同呢? Barbara Rogoff認為,人類發展必須以一種文化歷程來解讀。個體的發展情形可以視為:個人就是在他們的文化社群中,與他人一同投入過去共同的努力成果和前人已
Born with the destiny of becoming a Mayan sacred midwife, Chona Perez has carried on centuries-old traditional Indigenous American birth and healing practices over her 85 years. At the same time, Cho
This interdisciplinary work presents an integration of theory and research on how children develop their thinking as they participate in cultural activity with the guidance and challenge of their car
Three-year-old Kwara'ae children in Oceania act as caregivers of their younger siblings, but in the UK, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 ears without adult supervision. In the Efe commun
This interdisciplinary work presents an integration of theory and research on how children develop their thinking as they participate in cultural activity with the guidance and challenge of their care
This book advances the theoretical account that Barbara Rogoff presented in her highly acclaimed book, Apprenticeship in Thinking. Here, Rogoff collaborates with two master teachers from an innovativ
Children Learn by Observing and Contributing to Family and Community Endeavors, the latest in the Advances in Child Development and Behavior Series provides a major step forward in highlighting patter