Mr. Tubs the teddy always looks after his owner, Kitty. He knows she'd be lost without him. But one day Kitty loses Mr. Tubs. Poor Mr. Tubsleft behind in a dark forest, full of wild creatures. And po
A story that tugs on the heartstrings by Bel Mooney and Susan Hellard for Egmont's Blue Banana series. It's Kitty's birthday and she is given a trendy new doll, Suki. Mr Tubs is pleased Kitty is happy
It’s Kitty’s birthday and she is given a trendy new doll, Suki. Mr. Tubs the teddy bear is pleased Kitty is happy, but now it’s Suki who Kitty takes everywhere. Mr. Tubs doesn’t mind waiting for Kitty
An extraordinary novel of friendship and redemption, set in the Australian outback Bernie Molloy has returned to her home town after years of reckless living. A chance encounter with violence frighten
"Bel Mooney's enchanting emotional journey links us all together, and is as wise as it is touching." —Joanna LumleyWhen her beloved small dog, Bonnie, died, Bel Mooney was astonished at the depth of h
Before she knows it, everything in thirteen-year-old Flora Popescu's life has changed. Her parents, her best friend Alys, and the restricted life she has always known in their Bucharest tower block ar
Join Bonnie and Harry for their sixth and final adventure – with a surprise ending that will delight all Bonnie fans!“Let’s start a school dance club!” said Zena. “Everybody’ll be up for it.” If there
Bonnie, the tiny, fluffy, white dog, is back and learning all about being brave in this great adventure story.“I want to visit Dad,” said Harry, “but I’m not going without Bonnie.” Harry’s dad lives i
Bonnie the tiny white dog takes on the great outdoors in her fifth adventure.“Camping’s not for girls – or girlie dogs!” said Zack. “This is a boys-only survival adventure!” Harry and Zack are plannin
The little dog with big ideas is back in this illustrated story for independent readers.The dog show is in town, and Harry's mum has a worrying glint in her eye. Wouldn't Bonnie look perfect done up a
Bonnie's behaving badly – will she and Harry both end up in the doghouse?Bonnie the tiny, fluffy white dog keeps getting into all kinds of scrapes, and Mum is not impressed. First of all Bonnie hides
"It's not fair!" is Kitty's plaintive cry. Why is she the shortest in her class? Why can't anyone in her family take a joke? Why can't she go to bed as late as the boy next door? Why don't holidays la
Kitty's favourite word is no! She doesn't want to clean her teeth, eat her vegetables or play with boring Melissa. She can't stop saying no, but when Dad tells her he doesn't want to hear her say yes,