現今全球一半以上的網站正在執行 Apache web server,而且這個自由軟體還持續在 web server 市場中佔主要地位。《Apache 技術手冊》係由 Apache 小組的主要成員編寫及審定。該書說明如何取得、建立,及強化 Apache 伺服器;另外也包括經常用以建立 web 應用程式之擴充功能。過去七年來,Apache 已經茁壯成一強大的系統;在功能、效率,及執行速度上可以與任
A thorough guide to the Apace Web server has been updated to encompass both Apache 1.3 and Apache 2.0, as well as new material on mod_perl, PHP, Cocoon, Tomcat, and other technologies, and furnishes d
Laurie Berkner, “the queen of children’s music” (People), pairs the lyrics of her infectious hit song with Ben Clanton’s whimsical illustrations in this groovy and adorable pic
Laurie Berkner, “the queen of children’s music,” (People) pairs the lyrics of her beloved hit with Ben Clanton’s whimsical illustrations in this winning, adorable picture book—a must-have for fans of
Connecting Resources: A Primer for the Electronics Distribution Industry delivers a comprehensive overview of the structure and challenges within the electronics distribution industry including: the h