Designed for the required course on hydraulics found in diesel technology and heavy equipment programs, Mobile Equipment Hydraulics: A Systems and Troubleshooting Approach, takes a practical approach
Describes the life of the experimental guitarist who quit his job as a highly successful 1960s session musician to pursue an abstract form of avant-garde, improvisational music that has been admired b
The sordid and shocking tale of one man's journey through erotic humiliation, Marxist political philosophy and gourmet curries. Certainly stretching the boundaries of non-fiction.
An updated and expanded guide for cider enthusiasts traces the drink's history through the stories of producers throughout the world, outlines cider-making basics for beginners and intermediates, shar
This book challenges the ways we experience, think about, and interact with children described as having profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD). Contrary to received wisdom, the book start
本書詳細介紹了如何編寫高性能的.NET程序,在zui大化託管代碼性能的同時,還能保證.NET的特性優勢。本書循序漸進地深入.NET的各個部分,特別是底層的公共語言運行時(Common Language Runtime,CLR),瞭解CLR是如何完成內存管理、代碼編譯、併發處理等工作的。本書還詳細介紹了.NET的架構,探討了編程方式如何影響程序的整體性能,在全書中,還分享了發生在微軟的一些趣聞軼事。本書的內容偏重於服務器程序,但幾乎所有內容也同樣適用於桌面端和移動端應用程序。本書條理清楚,言簡意賅,適合有一定.NET基礎的讀者和想要提高代碼性能的C#程序員學習參考。
Bringing together four of the most popular and widely studied of Ben Jonson’s plays, this anthology focuses on the city comedies for which Jonson is best known today. Born in 1572, Jonson was a contem
The sharpest, funniest comedy about money and morals in the 17th century is still the sharpest and funniest about those things in the 21st. The full, modernised play text is accompanied by incisive c
Readers of Paul today are more than ever aware of the importance of interpreting Paul’s letters in their Jewish context. InReading Romans in Context a team of Pauline scholars go beyond a general intr