Each training program finds its own, sometimes idiosyncratic, niche and is not called to the task of demonstrating effectiveness. Those programs that offer structured training in key approaches tend n
An integrative training approach with proven effectivenessThe seminar leader is the conduit of basic psychotherapeutic knowledge. The Learning Psychotherapy Seminar Leader's Manual helps instructo
Actual psychotherapeutic practice is predominantly eclecticclinicians mix schools and methods asthey seek to address their clients' needs. Yet psychotherapy textbooks are still stuck inclinica
Contemporary psychiatry is a field that is especially conducive to the principles of integrative medicine. With the exception of a few disorders, such as schizophrenia, most psychiatric disorders res
In today's world of managed care -- characterized by limited mental health resources, emphasis on accountability, concerns of third-party payers, and consumer need -- the demand for mental health prof