Radin, a public administration scholar (Georgetown Public Policy Institute, Georgetown U.), provides a behind the scenes exploration of why so many efforts at federal management reform have failed. Th
In this new edition of "Beyond Machiavelli," Beryl Radin updates her popular overview of the field of policy analysis. Radin, winner of the John Gaus Award from the American Political Science Associat
For much of its life, the field of policy analysis has lived with a wide range of definitions of its goals, work and significance in the society. This Element seeks to sort out these differences by describing the issues, players and developments that have played a role over the life of this field. As a result of the relationships that have developed an environment has emerged where both academics and practitioners who self identify as 'policy analysts' are not always recognized as such by others who use that same label. This Element explores the reasons why this conflictual situation has developed and whether the current status is a major departure from the past. While these developments may not be new or found only in policy analysis, they do have an impact on the status of the academics as well as the practitioners in the field.
"Beryl A. Radin and Joshua M. Chanin take us on an informative and provocative journey, focusing on our changing times and challenging our expectations of the role of government. Their collection of