false flag ('fols 'flag): An operation designed to deceive in such a way that events appear as though they are being carried out by perpetrators other than those who actually planned and executed them
WOULD YOU HAVE THE MINDSET TO SURVIVE?to provide for, and defend the ones you love . . .at all costs . . .willing to confront . . .the depravity of man?This is a true story, it just hasn't happened ye
When you poke the hornets' nest, ya better make dang sure you kill 'em all. If you don't, you're gonna suffer their wrath.In a post apoclyptic world ...You will face adversity ...You may be threatened
Build. Destroy. Rebuild.The dawn of human existence has proven ...we are warlike creatures.Civilizations are built, then they're destroyed.After destruction, will you have the tenacity to overcome obs
WHAT WOULD YOU DOif a voice was screaming in your head - GET READY . . .for a catastrophic event of epic proportions . . .with no idea where to start . . .or how, or when?This is a true story, it just
Ya' lives by the sun, ya' dies by the sun.Life is always at a turning point . . .when faced with a certain death . . .would you be willing to seize the moment . . .and do what it takes to survive?Know
I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me. ~ Madison RymanThe strongest emotion of man is fear and ...Fear of the unknown is the greatest fear of all.Could you face