"Children love challenges, especially ones that involve hands-on experimentation and friendly competition. Can they build a bridge using only pasta and glue, one that a toy car can drive both under an
For many children, geometry is best understood as a hands-on subject. With this handy resource, children will build polygons out of pipe cleaners and flexible drinking straws, explore Mobius strips ma
A children’s instructional book on how to use readily available materials to turn the house into a science lab Physics teacher Bobby Mercer provides readers with more than 50 great hands-on experiment
There’s no need for expensive, high-tech lab equipment to conduct chemistry experiments—you probably have all you need in your home junk drawer. Turn three pennies and two galvanized washers into a si
A project book for young readers with a need for speed, this work provides instruction on 25 easy-to-construct racecars that can be driven both indoors and out. They will learn how to use mousetraps,
You've just heard that your head coach will be adding a new star player to the team. It's time to suit up and get into shape for the new season. Quarterback Dad ensures that you master all of the key