Prof Helge (Emeritus Professor of History of Science Kragh Niels Bohr Institute Emeritus Professor of History of Science Niels Bohr Institute University of Copenhagen)
Aage Bohr/ Ben R. Mottelson
Bohr, Adam (Novo Nordisk and Sonohaler, Frederiksberg, Denmark),Memarzadeh, Kaveh (Orthopaedic Research UK (ORUK), London, UK)
Bohr, Marco,Sliwinska, Basia
Carre, David Marco (PhD student at the Niels Bohr Professorship Centre for Cultural Psychology, Aalborg University, Denmark.),Valsiner, Jaan (Aalborg University, Denmark),Hampl, Stefan (University of
David Bohr/ Timothy M. Dolan (FRW)
Emmanuelle Waeckerle (EDT)/ Richard Sawdon Smith (EDT)/ Sarah Bodman/ Marco Bohr
Gregory (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Potel Aguilar California),Ricardo A. (Niels Bohr Institutet Broglia Copenhagen)
Harald Bohr/ Harvey Cohn (TRN)