Though best known as poets, Adam Zagajewski (born 1945), Zbigniew Herbert (1924-98), and Joseph Brodsky (1940-96) wrote some of the most original prose of this century. It is this prose - remarkable f
In stark contrast to the widespread preoccupation with the wartime looting of priceless works of art, Bozena Shallcross focuses on the meaning of ordinary objects—pots, eyeglasses, shoes, clothing, k
Though best known as poets, Zbigniew Herbert (1924-1998), Joseph Brodsky (1940-1996), and Adam Zagajewski (b. 1945) wrote some of the most original prose of this century. These East European poets cap
As the subject of ideological, aesthetic, and existential manipulations, the Polish home and its representation is an ever-changing phenomenon that absorbs new tendencies and, at the same time, retain
This volume, entitled The Effect of Palimpsest: Culture, Literature, History, undertakes the pioneering task of employing the notion of palimpsest in the multi-layered and changing cultural landscape