Drawing on behavioral finance theory and contemporary experience, this book explores how bubbles form and subsequently burst. The author introduces a new concept of swings in market temperature define
This sequel to the author's earlier well-received Euro On Trial, shows how European Monetary Union became a main engine of the global credit bubble and puts forward a set of remedies which would redu
Euro Crash turns the conventional diagnosis of the failure of the European Monetary Union on its head. It argues that the main problem was not sub-optimal currency areas nor profligate government spen
The Great Monetary Experiment designed and administered by the Federal Reserve under the Obama Administration unleashed strong irrational forces in global asset markets. The result of this experiment
The Global Curse of the Federal Reserve reveals and explores the missing link between the Austrian School of Economics and behavioral finance theory. Monetary instability is the source of the waves of
The Global Curse of the Federal Reserve demonstrates how severe monetary instability created by the Federal Reserve through the last 100 years has been the source of global economic crisis and geo-pol
Euro Crash turns the conventional diagnosis of the failure of the European Monetary Union on its head. It argues that the main problem was not sub-optimal currency areas nor profligate government spen
This book analyses the controversial and critical issue of 2% inflation targeting, currently practised by central banks in the US, Japan and Europe. Where did the 2% target inflation originate, and fo
Euro Crash is a unique analysis of the European Monetary Union, arguing that it was not sub-optimal currency areas or profligate government spending but instead fatal flaws in monetary design and an a
First published in 1988, this reissue reconstructs the reaction of financial markets to war, defeat, and revolution in Europe, from the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in June 1914, to the b