Friendly, quick, and 100% practical, My Microsoft Windows Phone 8 is the must-have companion for every Windows Phone 8 user. Written by seven-time Microsoft MVP Brian Posey, it walks new users thro
Using MicrosoftR Publisher 2010 More than just a book! Get comfortable with simple techniques that you can use to create professional-looking documents. Don’t just read about it: see it, hear it, w
Step-by-step instructions with callouts to Windows Phone 7 photos so that you can see exactly what to do Help when you run into Windows Phone 7problems or limitations Tips and Notes to h
Brien Posey's latest book is designed to act as a hands on guide for various enterprise networking products such as Exchange 2007, Office Communications Server 2007, Windows Mobile, and Windows Serve
This exam is designed to validate Windows Server 2003 Microsoft Certified Systems Administrators (MCSAs) AD and Application Platform Technical Specialists skills. The object of this exam is to validat
Today all companies, U.S. federal agencies, and non-profit organizations have valuable data on their servers that needs to be secured. One of the challenges for IT experts is learning how to use new p
This exam is designed to validate Windows Server 2008 applications platform configuration skills. This exam will fulfill the Windows Server 2008 Technology Specialist requirements of Exam 70-643.The M