The classic guide to bringing out the best in people at their worst—updated with even more can’t-standable people!Dealing with People You Can’t Stand has been helping good people deal with bad behavio
This is an exquisite debut novel about a family in turmoil, told in the startling, deeply affecting voice of a nine-year-old, autistic boy. Following the sudden death of Sebby’s mother, his fat
THE MCGRAW-HILL PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION SERIESThese quick reads, based on McGraw-Hill bestsellers, are designed to meet the needs of busy people. Titles in the series focus on each books main themes an
In Poetic Modernism in the Culture of Mass Print, Bartholomew Brinkman argues that an emerging mass print culture conditioned the production, reception, and institutionalization of poetic modernism f
In A Reformed Voice in the Ecumemenical Discussion Martien E. Brinkman offers a critical account of the ecumenical developments of the last three decades. He delivers a sketch of the Reformed contribu