During World War II, the Japanese military cracked the codes used by the American Army and Navy, but never the Marines.A What made the Marines' code different?A They used Navajo Code Talkers, speciall
The Buffalo Soldiers were the first peacetime all-black regiments of the U.S. Army.A Created around the time of the Civil War, they fought bravely in several wars, and also played an important role in
The Tuskegee Airmen were the first African-American military pilots in the United States armed forces.A Flying bombers and fighters, they completed over 1500 combat missions in World War II. Infograph
Before becoming president of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt organized the Rough Riders, a voluntary cavalry during the Spanish-American War. The group included cowboys, miners, law enforcement
The Buffalo Soldiers were the first peacetime all-black regiments of the U.S. Army.A Created around the time of the Civil War, they fought bravely in several wars, and also played an important role in
The Tuskegee Airmen were the first African-American military pilots in the United States armed forces.A Flying bombers and fighters, they completed over 1500 combat missions in World War II. Infograph
Immigrant groups were not treated equally when they arrived in America. Some were loved and welcomed. Others were hated and cast aside. Compare and contrast immigrant experiences and how those experie
Immigrant groups were not treated equally when they arrived in America. Some were loved and welcomed. Others were hated and cast aside. Compare and contrast immigrant experiences and how those experie
During World War II, the Japanese military cracked the codes used by the American Army and Navy, but never the Marines.A What made the Marines' code different?A They used Navajo Code Talkers, speciall