Learn to juggle numbers! This book is the first comprehensive account of the mathematical techniques and results used in the modelling of juggling patterns. This includes all known and many new res
How do you convey to your students, colleagues and friends some of the beauty of the kind of mathematics you are obsessed with? If you are a mathematician interested in finite or topological geometry
The projective, Möbius, Laguerre, and Minkowski planes over the real numbers are just a few examples of a host of fundamental classical topological geometries on surfaces. This book summarizes all known major results and open problems related to these classical point-line geometries and their close (nonclassical) relatives. Topics covered include: classical geometries; methods for constructing nonclassical geometries; classifications and characterizations of geometries. This work is related to many other fields including interpolation theory, convexity, the theory of pseudoline arrangements, topology, the theory of Lie groups, and many more. The authors detail these connections, some of which are well-known, but many much less so. Acting both as a reference for experts and as an accessible introduction for graduate students, this book will interest anyone wishing to know more about point-line geometries and the way they interact.
Q.E.D. presents some of the most famous mathematical proofs in a charming book that will appeal to nonmathematicians and math experts alike. Grasp in an instant why Pythagoras’s theorem must be
Mel Gibson teaching Euclidean geometry, Meg Ryan and Tim Robbins acting out Zeno's paradox, Michael Jackson proving in three different ways that 7 x 13 = 28. These are just a few of the intriguing mat