Why isn't the Baltic region like the Balkans? Why have the Baltic republics not experienced ethnic cleansing, border wars, authoritarian rule, and social chaos? Instead, peace, democracy, and market e
Expert in chemical microscopy and long-time researcher Walter McCrone presents exhaustive scientific evidence demonstrating that the Shroud of Turin is an inspired medieval painting rather than part o
"The purpose of this book is to introduce new teachers to the world of social studies teaching and learning in elementary and middle schools. Geography, history, government and the other social sciences are delivered into the palm of the new teacher's hand along with a suite of tools for bringing social studies to life in the classroom. The book is organized into three sections-the first orients the reader to the mission of social studies education to the increasingly diverse children we teach, the second concentrates on the curriculum, and the third deals with instruction, how we plan and teach this curriculum. Three central themes continue to pervade the book-democratic citizenship, diversity, and the social sciences-to ultimately encourage teachers toexcite their students about closing the gap between social realities and democratic ideals. An exceptionally strong chapter on multicultural issues (Chapter 2) helps future teachers truly understand the changing demographics of the Amer
The author wrote this new edition of the most popular elementary social studies methods text on the market with the following three goals in mind: to present the most powerful social studies content and pedagogy for children in elementary school, to offer the material in simple and accessible ways, and to write in a first person active voice. The purpose of this book is to introduce new teachers to the world of social studies teaching and learning in elementary and middle schools. Geography, history, government and the other social sciences are delivered into the palm of the new teacher’s hand along with a suite of tools for bringing social studies to life in the classroom. The book is organized into three sections—the first orients the reader to the mission of social studies education to the increasingly diverse children we teach, the second concentrates on the curriculum, and the third deals with instruction, how we plan and teach this curriculum. Three central themes continue to per
This book is a comprehensive overview of the history and culture of the peoples who are now known as the First Americans. Author Walter C. Fleming covers the many different tribes that stretched from
What is the central theme of the Bible?Given the diversity of authorship, genre, and context of the Bible's various books, is it evenpossible to answer such a question? Or in trying to do so, is an ex
The Laboratory Manual is a valuable tool designed to enhance your lab experience. Lab activities, objectives, materials lists, step-by-step procedures, illustrations, and review questions are commonly
Toward Rediscovering the Old Testament gives an up-to-date, concise, and challenging presentation of several major areas of Old Testament study. After defining the problems, the author proposes models
Arguing that educators are justified in shaping curriculum and instruction toward the formation of democratic citizens, Parker (education, U. of Washington) offers ten chapters that give advice on how