**《屁屁騎士大冒險》—爆笑奇幻冒險啟程!** 當師父們在哥布林大戰中被蒸發,三個**倒楣學徒**—屁屁、潘、莫西—決定假扮英雄,踏上屬於自己的冒險!但光有魔法袍、法杖和一本怪獸圖鑑,可當不了真正的勇者,他們需要**一個任務!** 當「偉大又強大的凱文」發布求救訊息,尋找傳說中的**黃金駱馬與它的神奇黃金屁**,屁屁一行人立刻接下挑戰,展開一場**滿是怪獸、勇氣與笑料**的旅程! **爆笑奇幻,適合愛搞笑、愛冒險的年輕讀者!** **暢銷作家 Aaron Reynolds 全新系列,笑聲不斷!**Three hapless heroes embark on an epic adventure in this new series from bestselling author Aaron Reynolds.After their masters are vaporized in a goblin battle gone bad, Fart, Pan, and Moxie—three lowly apprentices—decide to impersonate their mentors and pick up the mantle as heroes of the realm. But they need more than a fancy robe, magic staff, and book of magical beasts to be real heroes. They need a quest!So when The Great and Powerful Kevin puts out a call for help, seeking the coveted Golden Llama and its magical golden fart, young Fart and his friends jump at the chance and embark on a journey they were destined for.Jam-packed with potty humor, feats of bravery, and a metric buttload of monsters, Fart Quest i
The second book in the laugh-out-loud fart-themed adventure series by acclaimed author Aaron ReynoldsAfter vanquishing the evil lamia and earning the praise of The Great and Powerful Kevin, Pan, Moxie, and Fart are feeling great. Their hero cred is at an all-time high and they are starting to feel like seasoned adventurers.But that all changes when Kevin summons them for a new quest. Their goal: find a rare and monstrous creature of truly horrific power: a bedazzler. And bring back . . . its barf.But finding a bedazzler is no easy task. Luckily, Kevin has a lead to point the fledgling heroes in the right direction. Rumor tells of a pirate captain that may be the only living soul to know the location of a beholder.Can Fart and the gang win over this ruthless Pirate King and his crew? And if they finally make it to the dreaded bedazzler, how the heck are they going to get its barf?