"Who Was 系列 (試讀年齡:學習英文三年以上)Who Was 系列屬於傳記型讀物,適合學習英文三年以上小朋友閱讀,對於一些國外偉人的名字與生平,直接閱讀英文,想必會有更深入的瞭解。以上系列,對於想加強英文的成人讀者,也是很不錯的選擇喔! ""僅僅六歲的年紀,卻以傑出的琴藝讓奧地利女皇讚嘆不已;僅僅35歲的一生,完成的協奏曲、奏鳴曲、交響曲以及歌劇等作品達600個之多,曲曲為不
In her first cookbook, the acclaimed chef shares her favorite cook-at-home recipes, inspired by her year off from professional cooking. Missy Robbins had been on an upward trajectory through the r
In a new approach to environmental photography, Dana Fritz explores the world’s largest enclosed landscapes: Arizona’s Biosphere 2, Cornwall’s Eden Project, and Nebraska’s Lied Jungle and Desert Dome