Fiorello先生一直很珍惜他的頭髮,但還是面臨到禿頂危機。不過幸運的是,他腦中依然有許多好點子。雖然掉髮讓他失落難過,這卻也促使他開拓出比他頭頂更茂密的花園。本書好笑逗趣之餘,也令讀者反思:失去既然無法避免,那用什麼心態去看待才是最好的方式呢?Fiorello先生的故事告訴我們,用創意另闢新徑,或許才是最好的良方呢!A humorous and playful story,both poignant and inspiring, about a man who loses his prized hair, and how to make space for newness and growth.Mr. Fiorello's Head is both a playful romp and a philosophical tale. Mr.Fiorello loved his hair and never wanted it to go away. But, sometimes, the things we care the most about, the things we never want to see gone, leave anyway. Such is the fate of Mr. Fiorello and his hair.Fortunately, he still has a head on his shoulders and thoughts in his head, which help him to navigate his loss and disappointment in favor of a larger possibility. Possibilities that lead him from his apartment into the world, to grow and tend to a larger garden than the hairs on his own head.We may not have control over many things in ourlives, but when we do the work inside our own heads that we need to do, our mo
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