If collective conflict is inevitable amongst humans, as Hamelink (human rights and public health, Vrije U., the Netherlands) thinks it is, then the important question to address in response to mass vi
The world faces explosive conflicts about the distribution and scarcity of resources, about ethnicity and religion, and about the risks of urban life. These conflicts can easily spiral out of control
In this book, Cees J Hamelink proposes an answer to - how should democratic societies organize cyberspace? - that puts human-rights, rather than profit, at the top of the agenda. He argues that conven
"Human rights suggest that we can and should dialogue about our Otherness with respect. openness, and reflexivity. The present book makes an invaluable contribution to this common exploration."---Cees
In the face of declining newspaper sales, challenges from online competitors, and flagging ratings for broadcast news programs, media companies have struggled to maintain their relevance.Media between