Brendan A. (Associate Research Scholar Shanahan Associate Research Scholar MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies Yale University)
Samuel Jaye (MIT Center for International Studies Tanner Cambridge MA USA),Erin T. Miller
Baczko, Adam (CNRS Research Associate Professor, Center for International Studies (CERI), Sciences Po, CNRS Research Associate Professor, Center for International Studies (CERI), Sciences Po, Center f
Bulmer, Simon (Professor of European Politics, Professor of European Politics, University of Sheffield),Lequesne, Christian (Professor in the Center for International Studies, Professor in the Center
Center for Strategic and International Studies (COR)
Douglas Johnston (EDT)/ Cynthia Sampson (EDT)/ Douglas Johnston/ D. C.) Center for Strategic and International Studies (Washington
Frank (Professor of European Politics Schimmelfennig Professor of European Politics Center for Comparative and International Studies ETH Zurich),Thomas (Lecturer in Government Winzen Lecturer in Gover
Frank (Professor of European Politics Schimmelfennig Professor of European Politics Center for Comparative and International Studies ETH Zurich.),Thomas (Lecturer in Government Winzen Lecturer in Gove
Hugo (CNRS Research Fellow at Sciences Po Meijer Center for International Studies (CERI and Director of the European Initiative for Security Studies )
Kenneth M. Wells (EDT)/ University of Hawaii at Manoa Center for Korean Studies (COR)/ International Conference on the Korean Minjung Movement (COR)
Weiss, Thomas G. (Presidential Professor of Political Science at The CUNY Graduate Center and Director Emeritus of the Ralph Bunche Institute for International Studies),Daws, Sam (Director of the Pro
Yamagata, Yoshiki (Head of Global Carbon Project International Office at the Center for Global Environmental Research, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan),Yang, Perry P. J. (Associat
;Iwashita, Akihiro (Hokkaido University, Japan),Ha, Yong-Chool (University of Washington, USA),Boyle, Edward (International Research Center for Japanese Studies, Japan)