In For the Common Good, Charles Dorn challenges the rhetoric of America's so-called crisis in higher education by investigating two centuries of college and university history.
Art Education in a Climate of Reform first analyzes the changes in the social context of art and how these changes have impacted K-12 and university-level education. These changes, plus the current c
In this time of eliminating art programs in public schools across the country, the late Dorn (professor emeritus, art education, Florida State U.) and Orr (art education, Florida State U.) write to af
Should schools attempt to cultivate patriotism? If so, why? And what conception of patriotism should drive those efforts? Is patriotism essential to preserving national unity, sustaining vigorous comm
Should schools attempt to cultivate patriotism? If so, why? And what conception of patriotism should drive those efforts? Is patriotism essential to preserving national unity, sustaining vigorous comm
Assessing Expressive Learning is the only book in the art education field to date to propose and support a research-supported teacher-directed authentic assessment model for evaluating K-12 studio art