This book, part of the acclaimed AATSEEL Critical Companions series, is designed to guide readers through Red Cavalry, Isaac Babel's classic series of short stories about his time with the Cossacks an
Ljunggren introduces the Russian Symbolists, a group of poets, philosophers, and mystics in Moscow and Petersburg who dreamed of a new era that would revolutionize the Russian way of life and transfor
A century ago the Symbolists in Moscow and St. Petersburg dreamed of a fundamental transformation of life in Russia. From their reading of signs in the heavens, these poets, philosophers, and mystics
From the ruins of Soviet communism, Boris Groys emerges to provoke our interest in the aesthetic goals of its founders. Like modernists elsewhere, the totalitarian artists and theorists of the USSR lo
From the first Modernist exhibitions in the late 1890s to the Soviet rupture with the West in the mid-1930s, Russian artists and writers came into wide contact with modern European art and ideas. Intr
From the first Modernist exhibitions in the late 1890s to the Soviet rupture with the West in the mid-1930s, Russian artists and writers came into wide contact with modern European art and ideas. Intr