Life abundant--Jesus promised it and we long for it, yet few Christians seem to have it. Blending lively anecdotes, commentary, and teachings from the Bible, Stanley introduces you to the Holy Spiri
Everyone has heard of the golden streets and pearly gates of heaven, but what will eternal life actually be like? Trusted pastor and bestselling author Dr. Charles Stanley explores the immeasurable pe
Love has always been the need.Jesus has always been the answer."The world is hurting for love," writes pastor and Bible teacher Charles Stanley. "Because God is infinite and full of com
SPANISH EDITION. This book will inspire you to look past hardships by trusting the love and the power of God and finding freedom, peace and strength in Him.
We live in a world of questions: What does...? Who knows??Y? Why is??Y?. Fortunately, we also live in a world with the answer -- a wise and all-knowing Father.God Is In Control is inspired by a serie
El exito genuino, desde el punto de vista de Dios, esta arraigado en la categoria en que Dios nos ha puesto, en las metas que Dios quiere para nuestras vidas. Mientras que el mundo tiende a definir
At some point or another every Christian will experience a satanic attack-a willful, determined assault by the Devil for the purpose of harming our spirit, soul, or body. God wants Christians to be u
Your kids need you!You need look no further than the latest headlines to realize that parenting has become more difficult?and kids of every age still need engaged, involved parents. Now, more than eve
After becoming a Christian, believers discover the joy of God's voice, but often the purity and freshness of that initial experience becomes clouded by the daily routine of life. In How to Listen to
A few moments of illicit pleasure, a few dollars of illegal gain - what can it hurt? The aftermath of our pleasures and gains can wreak spiritual havoc when those indictments are bought at the cost
The loss of a job. A rebellious child. A loved one dies. A dear friend has been diagnosed with cancer. A struggling marriage. Financial hardships.The list is endless. When hard times come, we need wi
In times of crisis and confusion, Dr. Charles Stanley has learned the one phrase that can carry him through: "God, You are in control." The peace he has experienced in life stems from that foundation
In Stuck in Reverse, Dr. Charles Stanley shows readers how they can break free from fear, sin, disbelief, and hesitation and begin to enjoy the good things God has for them.Countless people wonder wh
Dr.Charles Stanley's new series of Bible study guides features insights and wisdom of this beloved pastor and author. Small groups and individuals who want a Bible study that's spiritually sound and
We are a needy generation. We try to satisfy our needs with sin, disobedience, doubt, manipulating God and others, and more. But God wants to redirect our lives, teach us greater trust, and meet our
Readers challenged to enter Into His Presence will be encouraged, uplifted, and spiritually renewed with this new devotional. In Scripture we find the Lord's people having dramatic encounters with G
?Por que en una epoca en que la confusion parece ser la norma algunas personas se desorientan y se confunden mientras otras mantienen una sensacion de calma? El Dr. Charles Stanley ensena al lector c