This book demonstrates how the invisibility of women in Gabon has led to the omission of Gabon’s literature from the African canon, and discusses the unique elements of Gabonese women’s writing that s
There are few works of literature that capture the day-to-day life of a black family in France quite like Alice Endamne’sAfropean. Published originally in French as C’est demain qu’on s’fait la malle
Published in 1969, Essential Encounters is the first novel by a woman of sub-Saharan francophone Africa. Therese Kuoh-Moukoury, of Cameroon, wrote it "to inspire other women to write." Its story of lo
Gabon’s first female novelist, Angèle Rawiri probed deeper into the issues that writers a generation before her—Mariama Bâ and Aminata Sow Fall—had begun to address. Translated by Sara Hanaburgh, this
Gabon’s first female novelist, Angèle Rawiri probed deeper into the issues that writers a generation before her—Mariama Bâ and Aminata Sow Fall—had begun to address. Translated by Sara Hanaburgh, this
At the dawn of the twenty-first century, villages in the Fang region of northern Gabon must grapple with the clash of tradition and the evolution of customs throughout modern Africa. With this tension