Chris Maser,Holly V. Campbell (Oregon State University)
Chris Brewer/ Don Campbell
Chris Campbell (EDT)/ Michael Niblett (EDT)
Chris Gatcum (EDT)/ Steve Luck (EDT)/ Alastair Campbell (CON)/ Peter Bridgewater (CON)/ Julie Weir (CON)
Chris Van Allsburg/ Cassandra Campbell (NRT)/ Christopher Lane (NRT)/ Luke Daniels (NRT)
Christopher N. Allan (EDT)/ Chris Campbell (EDT)/ Julie Crough (EDT)
Forney, Jeremie (University of Neuchatel, Switzerland),Rosin, Chris (Lincoln University, New Zealand),Campbell, Hugh (University of Otago, New Zealand)
Gary Chapman/ Ross Campbell/ Chris Fabry (NRT)
Henry Swanzy;Niblett, Michael,Smith, Victoria Ellen,Campbell, Chris
J. Scott Campbell/ Andy Hartnell/ Chris Madden (ILT)
John Campbell/ Chris Crone/ Gareth Jones/ Surekha Parekh/ Jay Yothers
John D. Bossler (EDT)/ James B. Campbell (EDT)/ Robert B. McMaster (EDT)/ Chris Rizos (EDT)
J廨幦ie Forney (EDT)/ Chris Rosin (EDT)/ Hugh Campbell (EDT)
Moliere/ Chris Campbell (TRN)
Moliere/ Richard Bean/ Chris Campbell (CON)