Did you know Band-Aids were invented by accident?! And that they weren't mass-produced until the Boy Scouts gave their seal of approval?1920s cotton buyer Earle Dickson worked for Johnson & Johnso
Celebrated poet Lee Bennett Hopkins shares a diverse collection of poems that ask (with the help of Newbery medalist Lois Lowry, former US Children's Poet Laureate J. Patrick Lewis, and others), "Who
英文俚語就是B咖→A咖的關鍵 英文的俚語跟中文俚語一樣,大部分都有它的來歷,及背景故事,而有些更是會隨著時代而變化, 你一定知道Kill two birds with one stone. 但你知道中文裡正確的說法應該是一箭雙雕,而一石二鳥則是由英文翻過來的嗎?那你還知道一箭雙雕的英文新說法是Kill two pigs with one bird嗎?你知道這是跟 “Angry birds”憤怒鳥這