This textbook reviews major issues concerning the history of British trade unions in the last two-thirds of the twentieth century. Even with the decline in membership of the 1980s and 1990s, trade unions in Britain have remained the largest voluntary organisations in the country and the total membership has remained larger than in most other countries. The book discusses many major aspects of trade unionism and many controversies concerning it, including strikes (sometimes seen as a peculiarly 'British disease'). Trade union presence in the labour market has been deemed a cause of higher unemployment and lower productivity. The trade unions have been accused of being insensitive on gender and ethnicity. They have also been accused of being corporatist, unelected partners in government (especially in the 1940–79 period). Overall, this book gives students a lucid introduction to the recent history of British trade unionism.
This textbook reviews major issues concerning the history of British trade unions in the last two-thirds of the twentieth century. Even with the decline in membership of the 1980s and 1990s, trade unions in Britain have remained the largest voluntary organisations in the country and the total membership has remained larger than in most other countries. The book discusses many major aspects of trade unionism and many controversies concerning it, including strikes (sometimes seen as a peculiarly 'British disease'). Trade union presence in the labour market has been deemed a cause of higher unemployment and lower productivity. The trade unions have been accused of being insensitive on gender and ethnicity. They have also been accused of being corporatist, unelected partners in government (especially in the 1940–79 period). Overall, this book gives students a lucid introduction to the recent history of British trade unionism.
British historian Chris Wrigley provides an A to Z biographical reference to the life of Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965), possibly the 20th century's most renowned statesman. This volume addresses C
From 1917-20 revolutionary activity and working-class unrest was rife in Europe, making this period a high-water mark for the European labour movements and socialists. Yet, except in Russia, the force
Britain's second Labour government 1929-31: a reappraisal is a timely collection of essays on Labour’s second period in office beset by the international financial crisis of 1929-1931. Contributions f