Christian Dior (1905–1957) rocketed to fame with his first collection in 1947 when the “New Look” took the world by storm. This charming autobiography gives fascinating and detailed insight into the w
Christian Dior (1905–1957) rocketed to fame with his first collection in 1947 when the “New Look” took the world by storm. This charming and modest autobiography gives a fascinating
Christian Dior 的時尚守則: ◎簡單、美好品味、打扮,是穿著得體的三個基本原則。◎優雅的女人不會像奴隸般遵從時尚。◎如果希望改變衣服的外表,可以用些微的色彩來點綴,如:一條翠綠色的圍巾、一朵亮紅色的玫瑰。◎圓點很可愛、高雅、大方。小圓點適合嬌小的身材,大圓點適合高大的女人。◎很少有女人各種類型的裙子都可以穿,因此一旦發現適合自己類型的裙子,就要固守住。……。本書分為兩大部分: ◎《C