Christine C. M. (Nanyang Technological University Goh Singapore (NTU Singapore),Xuelin Liu
Christine C.M. (Nanyang Technological University Goh Singapore (NTU Singapore),Larry (University of Ottawa Vandergrift Cananda)
Jonathan M. Newton/ Dana R. Ferris/ Christine C. M. Goh/ William Grabe/ Fredricka L. Stoller
Larry Vandergrift and Christine C.M. Goh
Rita E. Silver (EDT)/ Christine C. M. Goh (EDT)/ Lubna Alsagoff (EDT)
Christine C. M. Goh/ Anne Burns
Goh, Christine C. M./ Burns, Anne
Liu Woon Chia (EDT)/ Christine Goh (EDT)
Liu, Woon Chia,Goh, Christine C.M.