Siobhan Chapman (EDT)/ Christopher Routledge (EDT)
Chapman, Christopher (University of Glasgow, United Kingdom),Ainscow, Mel (University of Manchester, UK)
Denis Mongon and Christopher Chapman
Alma Harris (EDT)/ Christopher Day/ Mark Hadfield/ David Hopkins/ Andy Hargreaves/ Christopher Chapman
Christopher Chapman (EDT)/ Daniel Muijs (EDT)/ David Reynolds (EDT)/ Pam Sammons (EDT)/ Charles Teddlie (EDT)
Christopher Chapman (EDT)/ Paul Armstrong (EDT)/ Alma Harris (EDT)/ Daniel Muijs (EDT)/ David Reynolds (EDT)
Christopher Chapman/ Daniel Muijs/ David Reynolds/ Pam Sammons/ Charles Teddlie
Christopher S. Chapman (EDT)
Christopher S. Chapman (EDT)/ David J. Cooper (EDT)/ Peter B. Miller (EDT)
Dorothy Littell Greco/ Christopher Greco/ Gary Chapman (FRW)
Edited by Christopher Chapman、Alma Harris、Daniel Muijs、David Reynolds and Pam Sammons
Mark Hadfield/ Christopher Chapman
Mauricio Pino Yancovic/ Alvaro González Torres/ Luis Ahumada Figueroa/ Christopher Chapman
Mel Ainscow (University of Manchester UK),Christopher Chapman,Mark Hadfield (University of Wolverhampton UK)
Mel Ainscow/ Christopher Chapman/ Mark Hadfield
Nikki Toole (PHT)/ Christopher Chapman
Peter Chapman (EDT)/ Tim Jetson (EDT)/ Michael Casey (EDT)/ Alan Haig (EDT)/ Christopher Martin (EDT)
Robert G. Meyer/ L. Kevin Chapman/ Christopher M. Weaver