Christopher (Environmental Change Institute Shaw University of Oxford; University of Sussex UK)
Christopher (University of Oxford Whelan UK)
;Austin, Christopher J. (University of Oxford, UK),Marmodoro, Anna,Roselli, Andrea (Durham University, UK)
;Beeley, Philip (Research Fellow and Tutor, Research Fellow and Tutor, Faculty of History and Linacre College, University of Oxford),Hollings, Christopher (Departmental Lecturer in Mathematics and its
Christopher (British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow and Supernumerary Fellow de Lisle British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow and Supernumerary Fellow University College Oxford)
Christopher (Department of Experimental Psychology Summerfield University of Oxford)
Christopher (Emeritus Regius Professor of Greek Pelling Emeritus Regius Professor of Greek University of Oxford)
Christopher (Professor of Epidemiology Dye Professor of Epidemiology University of Oxford)
Christopher Decker (University of Oxford)
Christopher McCrudden (EDT)/ Oxford Law Colloquium (1998)
Christopher Metcalf (University of Oxford)
Heeks, Richard (University of Manchester, UK),Foster, Christopher (Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, UK),Nugroho, Yanuar (Manchester Institute of Innovation Research, University of Man
Hodges, Christopher (Professor of Justice Systems, Professor of Justice Systems, University of Oxford),Webb QC, Geraint (Barrister, Barrister, Henderson Chambers)
Michael Wood/ Christopher Oxford (NRT)
Oxford Dictionaries; Christopher Edge
Patrick Leigh Fermor/ Rolf Potts (FRW)/ Artemis Cooper (EDT)/ Christopher Oxford (NRT)
Peter Berresford Ellis/ Christopher Oxford (NRT)
Prof Christopher (Professor of Epidemiology Dye Professor of Epidemiology University of Oxford UK)
Professor Christopher (University of Oxford Hodges UK)
Sonia (University of Oxford Macleod UK),Professor Christopher (University of Oxford Hodges UK)