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Cinyee Chiu (3)
黃秋芳-作;Cinyee Chiu-繪 (2)
Erica Lee Schlaikjer; Cinyee Chiu (1)
Sean Taylor, Alex Morss, Cinyee Chiu (1)
Sean Taylor, Alex Morss,Cinyee Chiu (1)
Sean Taylor,Alex Morss; Cinyee Chiu (1)
Sean Taylor/ Alex Morss/ Cinyee Chiu (1)
Sean Taylor; Alex Morss; Cinyee Chiu (1)
Sean Taylor;Alex Morss;Cinyee Chiu (1)
Sean Taylor; Alex Morss; Cinyee Chiu (1)
如遇、施暖暖、林廉恩、Yun Chuan、Cinyee Chiu、Jocelyn Kao (1)
蔡文軒、李秉軍、廖若凡、陳盈安、Cinyee Chiu、莊詣晨、陳沛珛 (1)
黃秋芳-文;Cinyee Chiu-圖 (1)
黃秋芳-著;Cinyee Chiu-繪 (1)

字畝文化 (4)
Aurum Press (3)
Words & Pictures (2)
圓神 (2)
DreamKeepr (1)
Quarto Publishing PLC (1)
Sleeping Bear Pr (1)
Words & Pictures UK (1)
大家 (1)
布克文化 (1)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:Cinyee Chiu  出版社:圓神  出版日:2020/03/01 裝訂:平裝
【本書特色】★紐約金獎插畫家作品超值珍藏,Cinyee親繪雙面書衣★作品榮獲紐約插畫家協會廣告類金獎肯定★創作繪本《青春之石》為Fliper群眾募資討論度最高,募資達成率超過3,000%!★2019書展「兒童及青少年獎」首獎得主/FOREST、歌手、自由創作者/小球(莊鵑瑛)、貝殼放大創辦人/林大涵、Fourdesire 創辦人兼製作人/陳威帆、波隆納SM國際插畫大獎得主/鄒駿昇、自由作家/劉揚銘
定價:370 元, 優惠價:9 333
作者:黃秋芳-著; Cinyee Chiu-繪  出版社:字畝文化  出版日:2020/12/09 裝訂:平裝
走進東方千年神怪經典《山海經》看神獸開明如何在寬容過錯、領悟成長中找到屬於自己的幸福! 《崑崙傳說》三部曲,暖心最終章! 上回開明與兩個小山神,吉羊、如意攜手合作,解開了天地之間的仇恨。原想可以過上三人和平的生活,並與其他摯友一起守護著崑崙山的平靜,沒想到,兩兄弟的殺父仇人相柳,他的兒子羊過竟然出現了!原本已經忘卻喪父之痛的吉羊,現在的他會選擇復仇,還是選擇原諒呢? 白澤想要幫助羊過「轉生」
定價:330 元, 優惠價:9 297
Busy Spring: Nature Wakes Up (平裝本)
作者:Sean Taylor; Alex Morss; Cinyee Chiu  出版社:Aurum Press  出版日:2021/09/07 裝訂:平裝
In this uplifting picture book about spring, follow two children and their father through their backyard as they discover all the different ways nature wakes up from its long winter sleep. Spot the busy creatures and plants as the tale unfolds, then learn about how each responds to the increasing daylight and warmth that usher in the season. Co-authors Sean Taylor (picture book author) and Alex Morss (ecologist, journalist, and educator) offer an inviting introduction to the science behind spring.The yard is bright, birds are singing, the bees are buzzing and there are tadpoles in the pond! What is all the commotion about? In each colourful scene, the family discovers a different sign of spring - a bird collecting twigs for its nest, a fox snuggling her cubs, a caterpillar feasting on leaves... After the story, annotated illustrations explain the spring behaviours of various plants and animals. Inspire an appreciation for the natural world in this joyous exploration of spring.
定價:439 元, 優惠價:79 347
作者:黃秋芳-文; Cinyee Chiu-圖  出版社:字畝文化  出版日:2020/09/02 裝訂:平裝
走進東方千年神怪經典《山海經》看神獸開明如何在天地之謎、犧牲苦痛中勇敢擁抱仇恨、尋回愛的溫暖 上一回,懵懂的開明體會了天地和平是多麼得來不易,於是決心成為大家可以信任的「小總管」,加強自己的力量,守護崑崙山。他開始為神能較低的神獸開闢能安全隱身的園藝迷宮,並找來好友兼人生導師的欽原及白澤幫忙,卻意外迷失在白澤莊園裡,又莫名成了兩隻小山神吉羊、如意的監護人……不僅如此,人間竟然還出現小蛇人來攪局?
定價:330 元, 優惠價:9 297
Winter Sleep: A Hibernation Story
作者:Sean Taylor; Alex Morss; Cinyee Chiu  出版社:Aurum Press  出版日:2021/09/07 裝訂:平裝
In this cozy bedtime story, follow a child and his grandma through a winter landscape to explore how the Earth goes to sleep for winter. Spot the sleeping animals as the tale unfolds, then learn about their hibernation habits from the information pages at the end. Co-authors Sean Taylor (picture book author) and Alex Morss (ecologist, journalist, and educator) offer a gentle introduction to the concept of hibernation.In the frosty, quiet forest, the snow blankets the ground and the trees have shed their leaves. Where have all the animals gone? Are they asleep too? In each cutaway scene, see what the child cannot - that underground below his feet are dens with sleeping creatures, and within the hollow trunks of trees, animals are nesting. After the story, annotated illustrations explain the hibernation facts for each animal and what they will do when they wake up for spring.Cozy up as you expand your and your child's knowledge of the natural world.
定價:439 元, 優惠價:79 347
作者:Cinyee Chiu  出版社:大家  出版日:2018/04/03 裝訂:精裝
有些東西註定不屬於我們,有些東西我們終將失去 屬於21世紀的重生寓言,獻給想永遠埋藏的遺憾 一部不曾下檔的青春代表作,在你我人生一再上演 2017年群眾募資討論度最高的專案,募資達成率超過3,000%! 隨書附贈全新設計禮物小卡(一套五張),送一份溫暖給失戀、無力、流淚的他 傳說,青春之湖最深處有顆魔法石,讓湖水擁有回復青春的魔力。這顆魔法石由湖水精靈守護。某天,一個男子來到湖邊,他想要偷魔法石。
  • 電子書
作者:Cinyee Chiu  出版社:圓神  出版日:2020/03/01 裝訂:電子書
至今為止的人生都在努力為他人的期望而活? 重視內心的聲音一次,做我一直想要做的, 從經濟到插畫,從臺灣到世界,開始發光發熱, 像被放進水裡的魚,終於進入自己的人生! 「不是得到眾人羨慕的事物或成就,你就會開心。」 因為讀書還行,Cinyee一路念到了臺大經濟系, 卻在畢業後頓覺這個路線不是自己想要的。 重新翻出長久以來偷偷藏著的夢想,用畫筆一點一點開拓出屬於自己的道路, 捨棄用「腦」活的人生,開始用「心」活的人生,因為任由自己追尋想要的, 她一路趨近自己的理想生活。 到美國留學插畫、獲得許多國際插畫獎項肯定、遇上契合伴侶、客戶來自世界各地、出版得獎繪本、一邊工作一邊環遊世界長達一年半…… 「我現在的生活非常舒適而美好,十分感謝!那你呢?」
定價:370 元, 優惠價:7 259
Wild Greens Beautiful Girl
作者:Erica Lee Schlaikjer; Cinyee Chiu  出版社:Sleeping Bear Pr  出版日:2024/08/01 裝訂:精裝
On the eastern plains of Taiwan, a young girl and her mother pick wild greens before a rainstorm drenches them and their garden. When she goes to pull at the roots of a spiky, stalky weed, she learns that the plant is not what it seems. A lyrical story that shows young readers how to appreciate the bounty of nature and the beauty of identity.Chinese and Pinyin translations are included in pages and backmatter features additional information on the indigenous Amis people of Taiwan. An Own Voices, Own Stories award winner and Junior Library Guild Selection
定價:722 元, 優惠價:1 722
作者:Sean Taylor; Alex Morss; Cinyee Chiu  出版社:Words & Pictures  出版日:2019/09/17 裝訂:精裝
In this cozy bedtime story, follow a child and his grandma through a winter landscape to explore how the Earth goes to sleep for winter. Spot the sleeping animals as the tale unfolds, then learn about
作者:Sean Taylor; Alex Morss; Cinyee Chiu  出版社:Words & Pictures  出版日:2021/03/16 裝訂:精裝
A beautiful picture book with a strong, original format, featuring an imaginative narrative with scientific information weaved in throughout and explored in the final pages. When it was Spring, we wen
Autumn Feast:Nature's Harvest
作者:Sean Taylor; Alex Morss; Cinyee Chiu  出版社:Quarto Publishing PLC  出版日:2024/08/08 裝訂:精裝
Discover the wonder of autumn and learn how wildlife prepares for the colder months ahead with this heart-warming non-fiction picture book. The wind is blowing. Golden leaves are falling.Animals are busy gathering food to store away. It’s time to celebrate nature during the cooler autumn months… In this beautiful, blustery story, join two young children and their mums as they go on an autumnal adventure in their local park. They spot amazing plants and animals and are enchanted by the sights and sounds around them – crunchy leaves, vibrant colours, and a feast of nuts, berries and fruit.They pass through several wildlife habitats and begin to see that nature is full of life. They notice the little things – seeds blowing in the wind, mushrooms on the ground and empty shells all around. Co-authors Sean Taylor (bestselling picture book author) and Alex Morss (ecologist, journalist and educator) offer a gentle introduction to autumn and different animal behaviors, including annotated illus
定價:714 元, 優惠價:79 564
作者:Sean Taylor; Alex Morss; Cinyee Chiu  出版社:Words & Pictures UK  出版日:2019/09/17 裝訂:精裝
In this cozy bedtime story, follow a child and his grandma through a winter landscape to explore how the Earth goes to sleep for winter. Spot the sleeping animals as the tale unfolds, then learn about
作者:黃秋芳-作; Cinyee Chiu-繪  出版社:字畝文化  出版日:2020/12/16 裝訂:平裝
與神獸一起冒險與歷練,探尋生命的意義。透過選擇與堅持,慢慢成為更喜歡的自己!《神獸樂園》 從一片小血玉中誕生的神獸開明,擁有可以靈活轉動的九顆頭顱,還有銳利精明的十八顆眼睛。他一出生就擔負著守護崑崙山九條重要通道的使命,但是他卻不了解自己身為守護獸的職責,只對各種神、靈、精、怪的神能招術感到好奇。 為了幫助開明提升守護崑崙山的力量和速度,西王母特別傳授他「摘星術」的神能,沒想到愛玩的開明竟然利
定價:990 元, 優惠價:9 891
作者:黃秋芳-作; Cinyee Chiu-繪  出版社:字畝文化  出版日:2020/07/01 裝訂:平裝
走進東方千年神怪經典《山海經》看神獸開明如何在開天闢地、神妖大戰中探尋、反思生命的價值與意義 從一片小血玉中誕生的神獸開明,擁有可以靈活轉動的九顆頭顱,還有銳利精明的十八顆眼睛。他一出生就擔負著守護崑崙山九條重要通道的使命,但是他卻不了解自己身為守護獸的職責,只對各種神、靈、精、怪的神能招術感到好奇。 為了幫助開明提升守護崑崙山的力量和速度,西王母特別傳授他「摘星術」的神能,沒想到愛玩的開明竟
定價:330 元, 優惠價:9 297
Busy Spring: Nature Wakes Up
作者:Sean Taylor; Alex Morss; Cinyee Chiu  出版社:Aurum Press  出版日:2021/03/16 裝訂:精裝
In this uplifting picture book about spring, follow two children and their father through their backyard as they discover all the different ways nature wakes up from its long winter sleep. Spot the busy creatures and plants as the tale unfolds, then learn about how each responds to the increasing daylight and warmth that usher in the season. Co-authors Sean Taylor (picture book author) and Alex Morss (ecologist, journalist, and educator) offer an inviting introduction to the science behind spring.The yard is bright, birds are singing, the bees are buzzing and there are tadpoles in the pond! What is all the commotion about? In each colourful scene, the family discovers a different sign of spring - a bird collecting twigs for its nest, a fox snuggling her cubs, a caterpillar feasting on leaves... After the story, annotated illustrations explain the spring behaviours of various plants and animals. Inspire an appreciation for the natural world in this joyous exploration of spring.
定價:714 元, 優惠價:79 564
作者:蔡文軒; 李秉軍; 廖若凡; 陳盈安; Cinyee Chiu; 莊詣晨; 陳沛珛  出版社:布克文化  出版日:2020/07/23 裝訂:精裝
一本以創作者為核心的圖像小說雜誌,刊物名來自於數學的求和符號 Σ,由奧斯卡發起,manual_for_all、廖若凡、An Chen 等 7 位創作者共同創作,第一階段以半年刊形式發行四期,中英文雙語呈現,用實驗性、創新的精神打造原創圖像故事內容。「七位頂尖創作者共同打造!台灣第一本科幻圖像小說雜誌。」 世界上第一部劇情電影即是科幻電影 – 喬治梅里葉的月球之旅。1968年,《2001太
流浪的島= The wandering islands
作者:如遇; 施暖暖; 林廉恩; Yun Chuan; Cinyee Chiu; Jocelyn Kao  出版社:DreamKeepr  出版日:2021/06/01 裝訂:精裝
◎代理經銷:白象文化「未來的我,你好嗎?」《流浪的島》透過貓頭鷹郵局的小郵差在不同時空寫給未來的自己的五封信,串起了五篇獨立故事,描述了一段尋找自己的經過。這是為大人寫的童話,簡單的故事隱藏著不同層次的解讀訊息,希望內心深處還保有溫柔和純真的大人能在故事中找到感動。\ 感動推薦 / (依姓氏筆畫排序)王思涵(心理師)海狗房東(繪本工作者)黃筱茵(兒童文學工作者)\ 創作團隊得獎紀錄 /本書由作者邀
定價:450 元, 優惠價:9 405



