Coulter, Claire,Melis, Alessandro (University of Portsmouth, UK),Brown, Julia
Tanya Parish (EDT)/ Amanda Claire Brown (EDT)
;Brown, Tim (Programme Leader and Senior Lecturer for Events Management, and Senior University Teaching Fellow, Chester Business School, University of Chester, UK),Drakeley, Claire (Senior Lecturer in
Amanda Claire Brown (EDT)
Brown, Joshua R. (Professor of German and Linguistics, Professor of German and Linguistics, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire)
Edited by Gail J. Brown 、Robert M. Biefeld 、Claire Gmachl 、M. Omar Manasreh 、Karl Unterrainer
James Henri Howard/ Peter Le Claire (COL)/ Donald N. Brown (INT)/ Judi M. Gaiashkibos (INT)
Joan Claire Turner/ Civita A. Brown
Matthew Parkin,Claire Brown,Melissa Lorenz,Jules Robson
Matthew Parkin,Melissa Lorenz,Claire Brown,Julian Robson
Michael T. Mcray/ Claire Brown
Susanna Brown (EDT)/ Anna Wintour (FRW)/ Philippe Garner/ Claire Wilcox/ Robin Muir
Trent Brown (EDT)/ Claire Strom (CON)/ Stephanie Chalifoux (CON)/ Francesca Gamber (CON)/ Whitney Strub (CON)