Learn how to design websites that are engaging and responsive no matter which device is used to access them. This guide teaches you responsive design, using HTML5 best practices, CSS techniques, desig
內容簡介:「《Responsive Web Design 響應式網頁設計學習手冊》針對這個主題提供一個不失深度的廣闊探討,並且為相關概念做了非常好的介紹。」 - Tom Barker 軟體工程與開發部總監,Comcast 透過學習響應式網頁設計(responsive web design,RWD)的基礎知識,為所有裝置提供最佳的使用者經驗(user experience,UX),包括平板電腦,智慧
A giant omnibus of 20 Amazing Spider-Man adventures includes the web-spinner's epic battles against Doctor Octopus, Green Goblin and The Lizard as well as a retelling of Peter's rise from high school