This first installment in the Feather and Bone: The Crow Chronicles trilogy follows a crow family, the Kinaars, who, while attending the annual Gathering, find their lives plunged into danger and chao
On the run from the brutal Kuper and his fanatical Collection, Kyp and the remains of the flock search for a safe haven during a time of dark omens and terror that divides the flock and forces Kyp to
Follows a crow family, the Kinaars, who, while attending the annual Gathering, find their lives plunged into danger and chaos when violence ensues, leading to a tribunal judgement that divides them.
On the run from the brutal Kuper and his fanatical Collection, Kyp and the remains of the flock search for a safe haven during a time of dark omens and terror that divides the flock and forces Kyp to
Nothing Nice To Say made its debut online in early 2002, satirizing al aspects of punk music and culture, and quickly grew to a level of popularity that would make creator Mitch Clem cash in and sell
Kyp, one of the few survivors after the Kinnaars, a family of crows, is hit by a plague, sets off alone to find his friend, Kym, who was captured by humans, and is joined along the way by other crows
Jim is theworking-classboy wonder who can read stock charts like 50-foot road signs. His uncanny talent has taken him fromerrand boy to trading superstar. Is he a genius, or a fluke