Consent has long been used to establish the legitimacy of society. But when one asks - who consented? how? to what type of community? - consent becomes very elusive, more myth than reality. This is pa
It is common within liberal democratic theory to argue that the legitimacy of government is founded on the consent of the governed, but this collection edited by Webber (law and society, U. of Victori
Research on intentional forgetting has been conducted in various forms and under various names for at least 30 years, but until now no effort has been made to present these different perspectives in o
This book presents cutting-edge research in perception, memory, and aging, with a focus on dynamic cognitive processes: interactive and constructive processes in such phenomena as perception and memor
Psychology researchers from around the US gathered in Arlington, Texas in March 2005 to share and integrate their findings on inhibition in various aspects of cognition. The 15 papers presented here d