Jack (Adjunct Fellow Parkin Adjunct Fellow Institute for Culture and Society Western Sydney University)
Rachel (Assistant Professor of Religion and Jewish Studies and the Samuel ^D<"Bud^D>" Shorstein Fellow in American Jewish Culture and Society Gordan Assistant Professor of Religion and Jewish Studies
Anne Feldhaus (EDT)/ International Conference on Maharashtra: Culture and Society (4th : 1991 : Arizona State University)
Balbi, Gabriele (Full Professor in Media Studies, Full Professor in Media Studies, Institute of Media and Journalism, Faculty of Communication, Culture and Society, Universita della Svizzera Italiana)
Eugene M. (Associate Professor of History and Tobor Family Scholar in the Program in Jewish Culture and Society Avrutin Associate Professor of History and Tobor Family Scholar in the Program in Jewish
Manfred B. (Professor of Sociology Steger University of Hawai'i at Manoa and Global Professorial Fellow Institute for Culture and Society Western Sydney University),Ravi K. (Associate Professor of Po
Manfred B. (Professor of Sociology Steger University of Hawai'i-Manoa & Global Professorial Fellow Institute for Culture and Society Western Sydney University)