Whether you're using the Internet to research statistics for a report, find free software, or track down an old college roommate, it pays to locate online information rapidly. But the Net is a very bi
本書特色: * 可放在口袋裡的小冊子,特別適合 Linux 工程師隨身攜帶。* 按照用途別來分類參考資料,而不是按照傳統的字母順序。* 適合剛入門的 Linux 初學者,也適合已經有經驗的 Linux 使用者。 內容大綱: 《Linux 隨身指南》提供了檔案、目錄、shell、X window 等等 Linux 基本觀念的說明,也彙整了常用命令的參考資料;本手冊適合當
Unlock the secrets of the Terminal and discover how this powerful tool solves problems the Finder can’t handle. With this handy guide, you’ll learn commands for a variety of tasks, such as killing pro
If you use Linux in your day-to-day work, this popular pocket guide is the perfect on-the-job reference. The third edition features new sections on image file processing, audio file processing, video
An essential one-stop guide for newcomers who want to build, contribute to, or maintain collaborative, community-driven websites. Originally created for the Wikipedia online encyclopedia, MediaWiki ha
This book provides readers with fundamental assembly language programming skills, an understanding of the functional hardware components of a microcontroller, and skills to interface a variety of exte
Are you serious about network security? Then check out SSH, the Secure Shell, which provides key-based authentication and transparent encryption for your network connections. It's reliable, robust, a
Looks at security issues for Linux users, covering such topics as controlling access to systems, protecting network connections, encrypting files, and detecting intrusions.