From Tolkien to Star Trek and fromGame of Thrones to The Walking Dead, imaginary worlds in fantastic genres offer highly detailed political worlds beyond capitalism. This book examines the complex way
In the same way that Stallone and Schwarzenegger played film heroes who came to embody the values of Ronald Reagans aggressive conservative agenda in the 1980s, the 21st-century film narratives of Bat
From Tolkien to Star Trek and fromGame of Thrones to The Walking Dead, imaginary worlds in fantastic genres offer highly detailed political worlds beyond capitalism. This book examines the complex way
In the 21st century, the parallel movements of media convergence and globalization have reshaped our understanding of media boundaries. The rise of digital culture has increased our access to narrativ
These 15 essays investigate comic books and graphic novels, beginning with the early development of these media. The essays also place the work in a cultural context, addressing theory and terminolog
This collection offers vital new conceptual and methodological tools for understanding the ways in which transmedia storytelling and the industrial logic of media franchising have developed in concert